„Smart Luxe“ exciting experiments on light, energy and bionics
How does color come about? Is the tomato really red? Why are engineers interested in the compound eye of insects? These and many other questions on bionics, light and energy will be explored in the exhibition "Smart Luxe".
Information, demonstration and experimentation stations for the age group of 10-16 year olds invite you to immerse yourself in the world of biology, chemistry and physics and to grasp exciting connections between nature and technology. The exhibition "Smart Luxe" was created as the result of a 2-year educational project of the Verein klasse!forschung in close collaboration with experts from science and industry who have set themselves the goal of preparing their research areas for the young. After the teachers have been enrolled, the exhibition can be borrowed module by module from the classroom research school. The individual stations will be presented by experts (Bio- Lebensmitteltechnologie, Zoologie, Bartenbach GmbH, Energie Tirol, Umweltanwaltschaft, Fachdidaktik Physik und Schule), who worked on the project.
Tuesday, 17th September, 2 – 6 pm
Management Center Innsbruck, Maximilianstraße 2, Raum 4A-020
Registration: PH-Online under the course number 7F8.TGV5A10 (Registration ends: 17.08.2019)
Download: Flyer_Schlauer_Lux_2019_final.pdf