Results of the REPRO-LIGHT Survey:
Bartenbach research & development is coordinating the Repro-Light research project (, which is funded with approximately 4.4 million euros as part of the EU's Horizon 2020 programme. The aim of the project is the development of a reusable, reconfigurable, customer-specific LED light that will improve the health of employees.
In order to identify which factors play a role in luminaire development at an early stage, a Europe-wide survey was launched in cooperation with Mondragon University, the results of which are now available.
Approximately 90% of the study's participants stated that light influences their mood, level of attention and performance. In addition, 55% of respondents, especially older workers, agreed that their workplace lighting could be improved upon. Furthermore, 70% of respondents would like individually adjustable lighting conditions and 80% want lighting conditions that automatically adapt to their needs.
The survey highlights the need for improvement and for taking advantage of the positive impact light can have on performance, well-being and health at the workplace.
The full article about the results can be found here:
Further infomation:
The REPRO-LIGHT project is funded by the Horizon 2020 European research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 768780).